Purpose of Blog

This blog is to help relatives and friends keep updated on what our family is doing, and show people what it is like to be a missionary

Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Season Already??

Well, today I woke up to the reality of the fact that it is almost Christmas, again........we have a rule in our family, nothing related to Christmas until December 1st. Which means that today I started listening to Christmas music... found a Christmas wallpaper, and CONTEMPLATED putting up a few lights....which I decided to wait on.

Thursday the guy that worked for my dad quit-- not even a days notice , walking out the door " By the way, I am quitting, I found a different job......" It isn't that big of a deal, except that my dad really needed the help and it is almost impossible to find good help down here, and with our upcoming move and the plans to build a house it couldn't have come at a worse time, at least thats how it looks right now. But I am sure that God as a better plan- He always does you know...

Please pray that my dad will find someone to help him-- or that we will find a house to rent so we don't have to build one.


Sarah Beth said...

I'm sorry... but it's true, God always has a plan even though we can't see what it is.

Mrs. H in Costa Rica 2023 said...

Hi :) My name is Denise and I volunteered at Casa I last summer and hear you are volunteering there now! I'm so glad they have you to help! Anyway, I just wanted to say hi and tell you to hug all my babies a lot - Especially E and E...I miss them all terribly. Maybe I'll get to meet you in June!